France, Emma F.
Cunningham, Maggie
Ring, Nicola
Uny, Isabelle
Duncan, Edward A. S.
Jepson, Ruth G.
Maxwell, Margaret
Roberts, Rachel J.
Turley, Ruth L.
Booth, Andrew
Britten, Nicky
Flemming, Kate
Gallagher, Ian
Garside, Ruth
Hannes, Karin
Lewin, Simon
Noblit, George W.
Pope, Catherine
Thomas, James
Vanstone, Meredith
Higginbottom, Gina M. A.
Noyes, Jane
Article History
First Online: 31 January 2019
Competing interests
: Catherine Pope is an author of the book Pope C, Mays N, Popay J. Synthesizing qualitative and quantitative health evidence: a guide to methods. Buckingham: Open University Press 2007 which discusses meta-ethnography; she receives royalties from this. Jane Noyes is a Journal of Advanced Nursing Editor. She was recused from the Journal of Advanced Nursing management of this paper. No conflict of interest has been declared by the remaining author(s).
: This article is being simultaneously published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, Psycho-oncology, Review of Education, and BMC Medical Research Methodology. The article followed a double-blind peer-review model managed by the Journal of Advanced Nursing, and the editors from each of the journals in question consolidated on the decision process.