Mazurenko, Olena
Sanner, Lindsey
Apathy, Nate C.
Mamlin, Burke W.
Menachemi, Nir
Adams, Meredith C. B.
Hurley, Robert W.
Erazo, Saura Fortin
Harle, Christopher A.
Funding for this research was provided by:
national institute on drug abuse (R33DA046085)
Article History
Received: 30 July 2021
Accepted: 12 April 2022
First Online: 28 April 2022
: All participating PCPs provided written informed consent at the time of trial enrollment. The study received institutional board approval at Indiana University and is registered with ExternalRef removed (NCT04295135).
: Not applicable.
: Dr. Harle discloses past research grant funding for studies of information technology to support pain care to his institution from Security Risk Solutions, Inc. and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Dr. Harle also discloses personal fees from Indiana Health Information Exchange, personal fees from New York eHealth Collaborative, personal fees from RTI International, outside the submitted work. Dr. Mazurenko discloses past and current research grant funding for studies of information technology to support pain care to her institution from Security Risk Solutions, Inc. and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Dr. Adams is supported by National Institutes of Health funding through the NIH K08 EB022631, U24 NS115708, and R33 DA046085. The other authors have no conflicts to report.