Ledergerber, Martina
Lang, Brian M.
Heinrich, Henriette
Biedermann, Luc
Begré, Stefan
Zeitz, Jonas
Krupka, Niklas
Rickenbacher, Andreas
Turina, Matthias
Greuter, Thomas
Schreiner, Philipp
Roth, René
Siebenhüner, Alexander
Vavricka, Stephan R.
Rogler, Gerhard
Beerenwinkel, Niko
Misselwitz, Benjamin http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8719-5175
Anderegg, Claudia
Bauerfeind, Peter
Beglinger, Christoph
Begré, Stefan
Belli, Dominique
Bengoa, José M.
Biedermann, Luc
Bigler, Beat
Binek, Janek
Blattmann, Mirjam
Boehm, Stephan
Borovicka, Jan
Braegger, Christian P.
Brunner, Nora
Bühr, Patrick
Burnand, Bernard
Burri, Emanuel
Buyse, Sophie
Cremer, Matthias
Criblez, Dominique H.
de Saussure, Philippe
Degen, Lukas
Delarive, Joakim
Doerig, Christopher
Dora, Barbara
Dorta, Gian
Egger, Mara
Ehmann, Tobias
El-Wafa, Ali
Engelmann, Matthias
Ezri, Jessica
Felley, Christian
Fliegner, Markus
Fournier, Nicolas
Fraga, Montserrat
Frei, Pascal
Frei, Remus
Fried, Michael
Froehlich, Florian
Funk, Christian
Furlano, Raoul Ivano
Gallot-Lavallée, Suzanne
Geyer, Martin
Girardin, Marc
Golay, Delphine
Grandinetti, Tanja
Gysi, Beat
Haack, Horst
Haarer, Johannes
Helbling, Beat
Hengstler, Peter
Herzog, Denise
Hess, Cyrill
Heyland, Klaas
Hinterleitner, Thomas
Hiroz, Philippe
Hirschi, Claudia
Hruz, Petr
Iwata, Rika
Jost, Res
Juillerat, Pascal
Brondolo, Vera Kessler
Knellwolf, Christina
Knoblauch, Christoph
Köhler, Henrik
Koller, Rebekka
Krieger-Grübel, Claudia
Kullak-Ublick, Gerd
Künzler, Patrizia
Landolt, Markus
Lange, Rupprecht
Lehmann, Frank Serge
Macpherson, Andrew
Maerten, Philippe
Maillard, Michel H.
Manser, Christine
Manz, Michael
Marbet, Urs
Marx, George
Matter, Christoph
McLin, Valérie
Meier, Rémy
Mendanova, Martina
Meyenberger, Christa
Michetti, Pierre
Misselwitz, Benjamin http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8719-5175
Moradpour, Darius
Morell, Bernhard
Mosler, Patrick
Mottet, Christian
Müller, Christoph
Müller, Pascal
Müllhaupt, Beat
Münger-Beyeler, Claudia
Musso, Leilla
Nagy, Andreas
Neagu, Michaela
Nichita, Cristina
Niess, Jan
Noël, Natacha
Nydegger, Andreas
Obialo, Nicole
Oneta, Carl
Oropesa, Cassandra
Peter, Ueli
Peternac, Daniel
Petit, Laetitia Marie
Piccoli-Gfeller, Franziska
Pilz, Julia Beatrice
Pittet, Valérie
Raschle, Nadia
Rentsch, Ronald
Restellini, Sophie
Richterich, Jean-Pierre
Rihs, Sylvia
Ritz, Marc Alain
Roduit, Jocelyn
Rogler, Daniela
Rogler, Gerhard
Rossel, Jean-Benoît
Sagmeister, Markus
Saner, Gaby
Sauter, Bernhard
Sawatzki, Mikael
Schäppi, Michela
Scharl, Michael
Schelling, Martin
Schibli, Susanne
Schlauri, Hugo
Uebelhart, Sybille Schmid
Schnegg, Jean-François
Schoepfer, Alain
Seibold, Frank
Seirafi, Mariam
Semadeni, Gian-Marco
Semela, David
Senning, Arne
Sidler, Marc
Sokollik, Christiane
Spalinger, Johannes
Spangenberger, Holger
Stadler, Philippe
Steuerwald, Michael
Straumann, Alex
Straumann-Funk, Bigna
Sulz, Michael
Thorens, Joël
Tiedemann, Sarah
Tutuian, Radu
Vavricka, Stephan
Viani, Francesco
Vögtlin, Jürg
Von Känel, Roland
Vonlaufen, Alain
Vouillamoz, Dominique
Vulliamy, Rachel
Wermuth, Jürg
Werner, Helene
Wiesel, Paul
Wiest, Reiner
Wylie, Tina
Zeitz, Jonas
Zimmermann, Dorothee
Funding for this research was provided by:
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (3347CO-108792)
Article History
Received: 20 October 2019
Accepted: 20 January 2021
First Online: 5 February 2021
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: SIBDC has been approved on the 5th of February 2007 by the Cantonal Ethics Committee of the Canton Zürich, Switzerland (EK-1316). At enrolment, participants provided written informed consent. This sub-study was approved by the SIBDC scientific committee (Project No. 2015-19).
: Not applicable.
: Martina Ledergerber, Brian M. Lang, Henriette Heinrich, Niklas Krupka, Stefan Begré, Andreas Rickenbacher, Matthias Turina and Niko Beerenwinkel have no competing interests to declare. Luc Biedermann reports grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation, during the conduct of the study; travel grants from Abbvie, MSD, Vifor, personal fees for consulting and advisory board work from Abbvie, Ferring, MSD, Pfizer, Shire, Takeda, UCB, Janssen and a research grant from ThermoFisher, outside the submitted work. Jonas Zeitz received a research grant from Abbvie and has received travel expenses and registration fees for educational events and conferences from Abbvie, Vifor and Almirall, all outside of the submitted work. Thomas Greuter has received travel reimbursements from Vifor and Falk Pharma, personal fees from Sanofi Aventis and a grant from the Novartis Foundation, all for work performed outside the current study. Philipp Schreiner reports travel reimbursements from Vifor, from Pfizer and from UBC, all for work performed outside the submitted work. René Roth reports a personal fee from AbbVie AG, outside the submitted work. Alexander R. Siebenhüner has served at an advisory board and received consulting honoraria from AMGEN, BMS, IPSEN, Lilly, Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi and Servier for work performed outside the current study. Stephan Vavricka has consulted to/received speaker's honoraria from/received research grants from: Abbvie, FALK, Ferring, MSD, Novartis, Pfizer, UCB, Takeda, Tillots, and Vifor, outside the submitted work. Gerhard Rogler has consulted to Abbvie, Augurix, BMS, Boehringer, Calypso, Celgene, FALK, Ferring, Fisher, Genentech, Gilead, Janssen, MSD, Novartis, Pfizer, Phadia, Roche, UCB, Takeda, Tillots, Vifor, Vital Solutions and Zeller; Gerhard Rogler has received speaker's honoraria from Astra Zeneca, Abbvie, FALK, Janssen, MSD, Pfizer, Phadia, Takeda, Tillots, UCB, Vifor and Zeller; Gerhard Rogler has received educational grants and research grants from Abbvie, Ardeypharm, Augurix, Calypso, FALK, Flamentera, MSD, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Takeda, Tillots, UCB and Zeller, for work performed outside the current study. Benjamin Misselwitz has served at an advisory board for Gilead und Novigenix, has received traveling fees or speaking fees from given Imaging, MSD, Vifor, Takeda and Novartis and has received an unrestricted research grant from MSD, outside of the submitted work.