von Berens, Åsa http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8653-8028
Fielding, Roger A.
Gustafsson, Thomas
Kirn, Dylan
Laussen, Jonathan
Nydahl, Margaretha
Reid, Kieran
Travison, Thomas G.
Zhu, Hao
Cederholm, Tommy
Koochek, Afsaneh
Funding for this research was provided by:
Nestlé Health Science
U.S Department of Agriculture (58-1950-4-003)
Claude Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (OAIC;1P30AG031679)
Article History
Received: 4 June 2018
Accepted: 6 November 2018
First Online: 21 November 2018
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: The Tufts University Health Sciences Campus Institutional Review Board and the Regional Ethical Committee of Uppsala, Sweden (Dnr 2012/154) reviewed and approved the study protocol. All participants were provided with written and oral information about the study and all signed an informed consent form.
: Not applicable.
: ÅvB has received grants from Nestlé Health Science, the Swedish Nutrition Foundation, SWESPEN and Aleris AB during the conduct of the study. No other competing interests to declare. RAF reports receiving grant support from Nestle, Astellas, Axcella; RAF reports consultancy honoraria from Nestle, Abbott, Axcella, Astellas, GSK, Biophytis and Amaxentis; RAF reports the following advisory board memberships Axcella, BIophytis. TG, DK, JL, KR, TGT and HZ declare that they have no competing interests.MN reports receiving grant support from Nestle Health science, no other competing interests to declare. TC has received unconditional research grants and speaking engagement honoraries from Nestle Health Science and Nutricia, and speaking engagement honoraries from Fresenius-Kabi and Arla Food. AK has been employed as a Nutritional translator at Nestlé Health Science (sep 2016-october 2017), no other competing interests to declare.
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