Botngård, Anja
Eide, Arne Henning
Mosqueda, Laura
Malmedal, Wenche
Funding for this research was provided by:
Norges Forskningsråd (ES571162 Project number: -1)
Article History
Received: 3 March 2020
Accepted: 18 June 2020
First Online: 24 June 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: All nursing home directors were informed about the study, and those who accepted participation, sent a consent by email to the main author. Information about the survey was given on the first page of the questionnaire. Participating nursing staff did not write their name or birth date on the questionnaire, and consent from staff was implied upon completion of the survey; when they placed the questionnaire in the sealed collection boxes. They were informed that they could not withdraw their participation after the questionnaire was placed in the boxes. We applied the Regional Ethic Committee for Medical Research (REC Central) in Norway, that approved the study in May 2018, reference number: 2018/314.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.