Oksavik, Jannike Dyb
Solbjør, Marit
Kirchhoff, Ralf
Sogstad, Maren Kristine Raknes
Article History
Received: 6 January 2021
Accepted: 26 March 2021
First Online: 13 April 2021
: The study participants’ rights, dignity and privacy were ensured according to the Declaration of Helsinki. The participants received oral and written information about the study. Written informed consent was obtained from all the participants. Participation was voluntary, and the participants could withdraw at any time without explanation. The participants’ dignity was attended to while the methods were performed. In observation of one of the interprofessional meetings, two of the health professionals did not want the meeting to be audio recorded and this was respected without asking them to justify why. The Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics Midt-Norge waived the need for approval of the study (ref. 2018/852/REK midt). The Norwegian Centre for Research Data approved the study (project number 60524).
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.