Heeren, Pieter
Islam, Farah
Desruelles, Didier
Flamaing, Johan
Sabbe, Marc
Milisen, Koen
Heerinckx, Philippe
Hubloue, Ives
Tran, Tuan Long
Wynants, Stefan
Ghekière, Veronique
De Brauwer, Isabelle
Beernaert, Laetitia
Cristelbach, Sophie
Guldemont, Sven
Lumen, Dieter
Sohet, Sebastien
Bogaerts, Emilie
Himschoot, Nadja
Michaux, Nicole
Dath, Mayelise
Biets, Robin
Piron, Cecile
Van den Heede, Koen
Vande Voorde, Carine
Ricour, Celine
Funding for this research was provided by:
Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (1133320N, 1133320N)
KU Leuven (PDMT2/21/079, PDMT2/21/079)
Horizon 2020 (81265)
Article History
Received: 15 July 2022
Accepted: 9 November 2023
First Online: 22 November 2023
: All methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations. In accordance with Belgian law of 07/05/2004 on experiments on the human person (Belgische wet van 07/05/2004 inzake experimenten op de menselijke persoon), no ethics approval was obtained for this study, as it included no experiment and it did not comprise patient data or information. Because this study focused on developing a consensus on a clinical problem among experts, it is considered to have no ethical implications. E-mails and an introductory statement for each survey were used to inform expert panel members about the study objectives and procedures. Experts were free to choose whether or not to participate in the study. Submitting a completed questionnaire or participating in a meeting was considered as informed consent.
: Not applicable.
: The corresponding author, Koen Milisen, is senior editorial board member of BMC Geriatrics. He was not involved in the editorial process of the current paper. All other authors declare that they have no competing interests.The abstract of this study was accepted and presented as a poster presentation at the 45th Winter Meeting of the Belgian Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics (Oostende, Belgium; 24 June 2022). For that reason, the abstract of this study was also published as a congress abstract ().