Ramírez Sevilla, Cristóbal http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8653-7559
Gómez Lanza, Esther
Manzanera, Juan Llopis
Martín, Jose Antonio Romero
Sanz, Miguel Ángel Barranco
Article History
Received: 17 June 2019
Accepted: 9 October 2019
First Online: 28 October 2019
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: The need for ethics approval was deemed unnecessary according to national and european regulations. The 2019 European Association of Urology Guidelines recommend strongly the use of immunoactive prophylaxis to reduce recurrent UTI in all age groups, and also recommend the use of continuous or post-coital antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent recurrent UTI when non-antimicrobial interventions like inmunoactive prophylaxis have failed.This is the summary of evidence and recommendations for the diagnosis evaluation and treatment or recurrent UTI of the 2019 European Association of Urology Guidelines: Table removedThis article has been not submitted to a committee of ethics because the study was only descriptive. Only a collection and analysis of patient data was done without influencing the treatment decision or the evolution of the disease and without disclosing patient data.The treatment with uromune® is an authorized treatment in Spain since October 2010.The authors of this study declare no conflicts of interest.The consent to participate was verbal because uromune® is an option to prevent urinary tract infections authorized in Spain since October 2010 by the National Drug Agency.
: Not applicable in this section.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.