van der Maas, Nicoline A. T.
Sanders, Elisabeth A. M.
Versteegh, Florens G. A.
Baauw, Albertine
Westerhof, Anneke
de Melker, Hester E.
Article History
Received: 4 September 2018
Accepted: 16 October 2019
First Online: 29 October 2019
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: Medical ethical approval was not needed because nobody was subjected to imposed rules or acts [CitationRef removed]. Informed consent of patients was not necessary because the study served public interest, and asking permission was not feasible [CitationRef removed]. The boards of participating hospitals gave permission to extract medical record data.
: We do not need consent to publish, because the manuscript only contains aggregated data.
: NvdM, ES, AB, AW and HdM have no conflict of interest to declare. FV is an editorial board member for BMC Infectious Diseases.