Radon, Katja http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5271-3972
Bakuli, Abhishek
Pütz, Peter
Le Gleut, Ronan
Guggenbuehl Noller, Jessica Michelle
Olbrich, Laura
Saathoff, Elmar
Garí, Mercè
Schälte, Yannik
Frahnow, Turid
Wölfel, Roman
Pritsch, Michael
Rothe, Camilla
Pletschette, Michel
Rubio-Acero, Raquel
Beyerl, Jessica
Metaxa, Dafni
Forster, Felix
Thiel, Verena
Castelletti, Noemi
Rieß, Friedrich
Diefenbach, Maximilian N.
Fröschl, Günter
Bruger, Jan
Winter, Simon
Frese, Jonathan
Puchinger, Kerstin
Brand, Isabel
Kroidl, Inge
Wieser, Andreas
Hoelscher, Michael
Hasenauer, Jan
Fuchs, Christiane
Ackermann, Nikolaus
Alamoudi, Emad
Anderson, Jared
Baumann, Maxilmilian
Becker, Marc
Bednarzki, Franziska
Bemirayev, Olimbek
Bitzer, Patrick
Böhnlein, Rebecca
Caroli, Friedrich
Coleman, Josephine
Contento, Lorenzo
Czwienzek, Alina
Deák, Flora
Diekmannshemke, Jana
Dobler, Gerhard
Durner, Jürgen
Eberle, Ute
Eckstein, Judith
Eser, Tabea
Falk, Philine
Feyereisen, Manuela
Fingerle, Volker
Geisenberger, Otto
Geldmacher, Christof
Gilberg, Leonard
Gillig, Kristina
Girl, Philipp
Golschan, Elias
Guglielmini, Elena Maria
Gutierrez, Pablo
Haderer, Anslem
Hannes, Marlene
Hartinger, Lena
Hernandez, Alejandra
Hillari, Leah
Hinske, Christian
Hofberger, Tim
Horn, Sacha
Huber, Kristina
Janke, Christian
Kappl, Ursula
Keßler, Antonia
Khan, Zohaib
Kresin, Johanna
Kroidl, Arne
Lang, Magdalena
Lang, Clemens
Lange, Silvan
Laxy, Michael
Leidl, Reiner
Liedl, Leopold
Lucaj, Xhovana
Luppa, Fabian
Nafziger, Alexandra Sophie
Mang, Petra
Markgraf, Alisa
Mayrhofer, Rebecca
Müller, Hannah
Müller, Katharina
Paunovic, Ivana
Plank, Michael
Pleimelding, Claire
Prückner, Stephan
Raimúndez, Elba
Reich, Jakob
Ruci, Viktoria
Schäfer, Nicole
Schluse, Benedikt
Schneider, Lara
Schunk, Mirjam
Schwettmann, Lars
Sing, Andreas
Soler, Alba
Sothmann, Peter
Strobl, Kathrin
Tang, Jeni
Theis, Fabian
Thiesbrummel, Sophie
Vollmayr, Vincent
von Lovenberg, Emilia
von Lovenberg, Jonathan
Waibel, Julia
Wallrauch, Claudia
Wolff, Julia
Würfel, Tobias
Yaqine, Houda
Zange, Sabine
Zeggini, Eleftheria
Zielke, Anna
Zimmer, Thorbjörn
Funding for this research was provided by:
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst
Medizinischen Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Helmholtz Zentrum München
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Horizon 2020 (ORCHESTRA Grant agreement ID: 10101616)
Munich Center of Health
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SEPAN Grant number: HA 7376/3-1)
Volkswagen Foundation (2 Grant number: 99 450)
Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie (MoKoCo19, reference number 01KI20271)
Universitätsklinik München
Article History
Received: 16 May 2021
Accepted: 19 August 2021
First Online: 8 September 2021
: The study was conducted in accordance with good clinical (GCP) and epidemiological practice (GEP) standards as well as the Declaration of Helsinki in its most recent form (as amended by the 64th WMA General Assembly, Fortaleza, Brazil, in October 2013). The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Medical Faculty at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany (opinion dated 31 March 2020; number 20–275; opinion date amendment: 10 October 2020), prior to study initiation. Written informed consent was obtained from all study participants prior to study inclusion.
: Not applicable as no identifiable information was included in the manuscript.
: In addition to the funding disclosed in the funding section, DM and VT are sub-investigators vaccines trials sponsored by Curevac AG. LO received non-financial support from Dr. Box Betrobox and grants from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts during the conduct of the study. CR received royalities from Elsevier LTD for the textbook “Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine”. She also received honoraria for lectures done at non-private academic institutions. CR is also chair of the “Travel medicine” board of the of the German Society for the Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and global health (unpaid) and member of the permanent committee on vaccinations at the Robert-Koch-Institute work group on travel vaccinations (unpaid). AW is on Roche Diagnostics and Roche Pharma Advisory Boards related SARS-CoV-2. The Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology (RW) received research funding from the Medical Biodefence program of the Bundeswehr. The funders had no role in study design, data collection, data analyses, data interpretation, writing, or submission of this manuscript.