Rojas, Manuel
Rodríguez, Yhojan
Hernández, Juan Carlos
Díaz-Coronado, Juan C.
Vergara, José Alejandro Daza
Vélez, Verónica Posada
Mancilla, Jessica Porras
Araujo, Iván
Yepes, Jairo Torres
Ricaurte, Oscar Briceño
Pardo-Oviedo, Juan Mauricio
Monsalve, Diana M.
Acosta-Ampudia, Yeny
Ramírez-Santana, Carolina
García, Paula Gaviria
Landinez, Lina Acevedo
Correales, Luisa Duarte
Grass, Jeser Santiago
Pérez, Cristian Ricaurte
López, Gustavo Salguero
Mateus, Nataly
Mancera, Laura
Devia, Ronald Rengifo
Orjuela, Juan Esteban
Parra-Moreno, Christian R.
Buitrago, Andrés Alfonso
Ordoñez, Inés Elvira
Osorio, Claudia Fabra
Ballesteros, Nathalia
Patiño, Luz H.
Castañeda, Sergio
Muñoz, Marina
Ramírez, Juan David
Bastard, Paul
Gervais, Adrian
Bizien, Lucy
Casanova, Jean-Laurent
Camacho, Bernardo
Gallo, Juan Esteban
Gómez, Oscar
Rojas-Villarraga, Adriana
Pérez, Carlos E.
Manrique, Rubén
Mantilla, Rubén D.
Anaya, Juan-Manuel
Funding for this research was provided by:
Universidad del Rosario (ABN011, ABN011, ABN011, ABN011, ABN011, ABN011)
ISA group
Article History
Received: 6 March 2022
Accepted: 25 May 2022
First Online: 27 June 2022
: The institutional review board of the Universidad del Rosario approved the study design (Act. 421 CEI-UR). Written informed consent was obtained from all participants, and the trial was conducted following the principles stated in the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice guidelines.
: All participants provided consent to publish.
: None.
: Conceptualization: JMA, JEG, RM; Acquisition of data: YR, JCH, JCD, JAD, VPV, JPM, IA, JTY, OBR, JMPO, DMM, YAA, CRS, PGG JSG, CRP, GSL, NM, LM, RRD, JEO, CRPM, AAB, ARV, CEP; Methodology: JMA, ARV, RM, GSL, JEG, BC; Statistical Analysis: MR, RM, JMA; Funding acquisition: JMA, BC, RM; Procurement of convalescent plasma: PGG, LAL, LDC, JSG, CRP, GSL, BC; Center Coordination: CF; Monitoring: IEO; Variants analysis: NB, LHP, SC, MM, JDR; Anti-IFN antibodies: PB, AG, LB, J-LC; Writing and editing: MR, JMA. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.