Wang, Yueying
Wang, Zhao
Liu, Yaqing
Yu, Qiong
Liu, Yujia
Luo, Changfan
Wang, Siyang
Liu, Hongmei
Liu, Mingyou
Zhang, Gongyou
Fan, Yusi
Li, Kewei
Huang, Lan
Duan, Meiyu
Zhou, Fengfeng
Funding for this research was provided by:
Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Big Data Intelligent Computing (20180622002JC, 20180622002JC)
Jilin Senior and Junior Technological Innovation Team (20210509055RQ)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (62072212)
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (JLU)
Article History
Received: 20 June 2022
Accepted: 28 April 2023
First Online: 21 September 2023
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests
: This study used the complete blood counts and the prognosis of the COVID-19 patients in the supplementary material of the previous study [], where may find the details of the Humans Ethics Statement, Adult Consent To Participate Written and Human Accordance Statement. The data collection was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The data was collected from the medical records through the standard case report forms, and each record covered the clinical and laboratory information and mortality outcomes. Since this is a retrospective study approved by the Ethics Committee of the Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, there was no recruitment process and informed consent forms of the individual participants. All methods were conducted in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations. The medical data of all the patients between Jan 10 and Feb 18, 2020 were collected. The pregnant and breast-feeding women and the patients younger tan 18 years old were excluded. The patients with a completeness rate of less than 80% were also excluded.
: Not applicable.