Vallejo, Beatriz Álvarez
Lobo, Alicia Hernanz
García, Itzíar Carrasco
Pérez, Tomás Bruno
Mino-Leon, Greta
Pazmiño, Judith Rosabel Soffe
Lorenzana, Julio Werner Juarez
Drummond, Tatiana
del Socorro Pavía Ruz, Noris Marlene
del Rocío Muñoz Hernández, María
Pérez, Dulce María Morales
Estripeaut, Dora
Luciani, Kathia
Martínez, Karen Sobeida Erazo
Villatoro, Luis Guillermo Castaneda
Madrigal, Oscar Porras
Ivankovich-Escoto, Gabriela
Tato, Luis Manuel Prieto
Gómez, María Luisa Navarro
Obregón, Dora Matus
Conejo, Pablo Rojo
Amador, José Tomás Ramos
Chavez, Magda
de los Ángeles Pérez Delgadillo, María
Barrios, Fanny
Urbina, Osbaldo Efraín Obando
Muñoz, Greta
Bueno, Wendy Paola Serrano
Freire, Dolores
Chavez, Nelly
Sanchez, Yasmin
Layana, Marianella
Compagnucci, Alexandra
Saïdi, Yacine
Riault, Yoann
Gattinara, Guido Castelli
Hyppolite, Tchidjou Kuekou
Esquivel, Raúl
Batista, Ruth
Norero, Ximena
Aguilar, Jacqueline
González, Ilia Yanira
Quiñonez, Gustavo
Gómez, Ana Lucía
Rafael, Nancy Judith Gálvez
Article History
Received: 2 October 2023
Accepted: 3 February 2024
First Online: 20 February 2024
: The study was approved by the Ethics and Clinical Research Committee of 12 de Octubre Hospital (Spain, CEIm 19/264) and subsequently ratified by all the Research Ethics Committees of the participating centers: Caja costarricense de Seguro Social—Hospital Nacional de Niños (CEC-HNN-181–2019, Costa Rica), Departamento de Docencia e Investigación Hospital Roosevelt (Acta Nº 601 – Punto Nº 580, Guatemala), Facultad de Medicina-UNAM (FM/DI/001/2019, México), Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez (DG/1000/295/2019, México), Hospital de niños Benjamin Bloom (CNEIC-CSSP-MSPAS Nº 003–09, San Salvador), Hospital del Niño José Renán Esquivel (CBIHN-M-201811–003, Panamá), Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Caracas (CBE Nº 03/2020, Venezuela), Secretaría de Salud de Honduras (2442-UVS-2019, Honduras) and Hospital del Niño Dr Francisco de Icaza Bustamante (MSP-CZ8S-HFIB-GDI-2020–0397-M, Ecuador). Data were processed in compliance with the provisions of each country’s regulations and the current law in Spain regarding data protection (Organic Law 3/2018 of 5th December for the Protection of Personal Data). The study fulfills the stipulations of the Declaration of Helsinki, and informed consent was obtained from all subjects and/or their legal guardian(s).
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare no competing interests.