Cipelli, Riccardo
Falato, Serena
Lusito, Eleonora
Maifredi, Giovanni
Montedoro, Michele
Valpondi, Paola
Zucchi, Alberto
Azzi, Maria Vittoria
Zanetta, Laura
Gualano, Maria Rosaria
Xoxi, Entela
Marchisio, Paola Giovanna
Castaldi, Silvana
Funding for this research was provided by:
Sanofi, Italy
Article History
Received: 22 February 2024
Accepted: 29 May 2024
First Online: 8 June 2024
: This study has been notified and approved by the local Ethics Committees (ECs) of the four LHUs, according to the Italian regulation on observational studies. The ECs are: Comitato Etico di Brescia, Comitato Etico di Bergamo, Comitato Etico per le Sperimentazioni Cliniche (CESC) della Provincia di Vicenza, comitato Etico Interprovinciale Area 1 (A.O.U. Foggia, ASL Foggia, ASL BAT). A formal consent is not required for this type of retrospective observational study relying on secondary data that contains no directly identifiable data.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: E. X. have disclosed that in the last two years she took part in advisory boards organized by: Eli Lilly, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Diurnal Limited, GSK Spa, Incyte Biosciences Italy Srl, Bristol-Mayers Squibb & Affiliates, Blueprint Medicines Italy Srl, Bayer AG, Takeda Pharmaceutical International AG, Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd, Takeda Italia Spa, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Genzyme Europe BV, Gilead Sciences Srl, Sanofi Spa and other Italian and international consulting companies. She disclosed that she was engaged in consulting activities with Gilead Sciences Srl, Zambon Italia, Insmed Italy Srl. For the activities mentioned above, all unrelated to this article, she disclosed to have received fees. M.R. G. have disclosed that she received a fee by Sanofi, for a lecture.R. C., S. F., and E. L. have disclosed that they are employees of IQVIA Solutions SRL. M.V.A. and L. Z. are employees of Sanofi, the manufacturer of influenza vaccines, and may hold shares and/or stock options in the company.The remaining authors declare that they have no competing interests. E. X. have disclosed that in the last two years she took part in advisory boards organized by: Eli Lilly, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Diurnal Limited, GSK Spa, Incyte Biosciences Italy Srl, Bristol-Mayers Squibb & Affiliates, Blueprint Medicines Italy Srl, Bayer AG, Takeda Pharmaceutical International AG, Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd, Takeda Italia Spa, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Genzyme Europe BV, Gilead Sciences Srl, Sanofi Spa and other Italian and international consulting companies. She disclosed that she was engaged in consulting activities with Gilead Sciences Srl, Zambon Italia, Insmed Italy Srl. For the activities mentioned above, all unrelated to this article, she disclosed to have received fees. M.R. G. have disclosed that she received a fee by Sanofi, for a lecture. R. C., S. F., and E. L. have disclosed that they are employees of IQVIA Solutions SRL. M.V.A. and L. Z. are employees of Sanofi, the manufacturer of influenza vaccines, and may hold shares and/or stock options in the company. The remaining authors declare that they have no competing interests.