Thingstad, Pernille
Askim, Torunn
Beyer, Mona K.
Bråthen, Geir
Ellekjær, Hanne
Ihle-Hansen, Hege
Knapskog, Anne Brita
Lydersen, Stian
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild
Næss, Halvor
Pendlebury, Sarah T.
Seljeseth, Yngve Muller
Saltvedt, Ingvild
Funding for this research was provided by:
Norwegian Health Association
Article History
Received: 19 January 2018
Accepted: 12 November 2018
First Online: 26 November 2018
Authors’ information
: The Nor-COAST study is a collaboration between the Norwegian Health Authorities, five hospitals and Universities in Norway represented through a steering committee with project leadership at Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science, NTNU, Trondheim. Participating partners are 1. <i>Central Norway Regional Health Authority</i>: a) St. Olav University Hospital, b) Ålesund Hospital, Møre and Romsdal Health Trust, <i>2. South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority:</i> a) Vestre Viken Hospital Trust, Bærum Hospital b) Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Oslo University Hospital c) Department of Geriatrics, Oslo University Hospital: <i>3. Western Norway Regional Health Authority</i>: Haukeland University Hospital.
: The research is performed according to the Helsinki declaration. Participation is based on informed written consent. For participants who were unable to provide informed consent due to medical condition or severe dementia, participation was based on proxy consent given by family proxies. The study protocol has been approved by the regional committees for medical and health research, REK Nord (REK number: 2015/171).
: Not applicable
: Hege Ihle Hansen is associate Editor in BMC Neurology.
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