Catling, Christine
Donovan, Helen
Phipps, Hala
Dale, Simeon
Chang, Sungwon
Funding for this research was provided by:
National Health and Medical Research Council (APP1195732)
Article History
Received: 17 March 2022
Accepted: 5 April 2022
First Online: 11 April 2022
: Informed consent will be gained from all participants. Those completing the hardcopy version of the survey provide written consent and those completing an online survey click ‘I consent to participate’ following provision of the Participant Information Statement, and prior to the survey items. Those participants attending the Group Clinical Supervision sessions provide verbal consent to be present. Verbal consent in this instance was deemed adequate as this was seen to be similar to many other educational or supportive sessions offered to midwives within the institutions, and Clinical Supervision is already recognised within New South Wales Health Departments. Due to the confidential nature of the sessions, no data will be collected from the sessions themselves, but the number of attended sessions will be recorded by the participants themselves within the 6-monthly surveys. A ‘Cluster Guardianship’ agreement was approved by the ethics offices and Directors of Nursing and Midwifery within the participating Local Health Districts which outlined the above arrangement, and that written consent was only necessary for data collection via the surveys.All levels of consent were approved by the Royal Prince Alfred Research Ethics and Governance Office, Sydney (X21–0230 & 2021/ETH00414), the Local Health District Health District Human Research Ethics Committees (HREC) of each participating site, and ratified by the tertiary institution HREC (ETH21–6800).Significant modifications to the protocol which may impact on the conduct of the study will require a formal amendment to the protocol. Such amendment will be agreed upon by the Trial Steering Committee (TSC) and approved by the Ethics Committee prior to implementation and communicated to the health district personnel. Administrative changes to the protocol are minor corrections and/or clarifications that have no effect on the way the study is to be conducted. These will be agreed upon by the TSC and will be documented in a memorandum/meeting minutes. The Ethics Committee will be notified of administrative changes within the annual reporting requirements.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.