Cheng, Yan-Fei
Zhang, Cui-Lian
Liu, Yun
Ou, Jian-Ping
Chen, Lei
Cai, Gui-Feng
Yang, Zu
Ye, Tian-Min
Wang, Jun
Xie, Juan-Ke
Xiong, Ping
Zhang, Xi-Ya
Li, Min
Xu, Wei-Biao
Wang, Xiao-Qing
Kong, Ling-Yin
Liang, Bo
Wang, Xiao-Hong
Wang, Yue-Qiang
Yao, Yuan-Qing
Funding for this research was provided by:
National Key R&D Program of China (2021YFC2700500, 2021YFC2700500, 2022YFC2703200)
Shenzhen Science and Technology Program (SGDX20211123142540002)
Article History
Received: 27 April 2023
Accepted: 2 August 2023
First Online: 6 September 2023
: This trial was designed after in-depth discussion by the experts of the eight reproductive medical centers described above and will be conducted in accordance with related guidelines and regulations. Ethics approval was granted first by the Ethics Committee of the Chinese PLA General Hospital (S2020-539-02) and then by those of all participating hospitals (SYSZ-LL-2021070801 [Henan-PPH], 2021-021 [900 Hospital], K202107-03 [Tangdu Hospital], S2020-539-02 [6MC-PLAGH], [2021]-02-115-02 [3AH-SYSU], and [2021]196 [HongKong-SH]). Human Genetic Resources Approval ([2021] CJ1527) was obtained from the Ministry of Science and Technology. Any major amendments will be further discussed and approved by the boards of all hospitals. This study was registered in the Chinese Clinical Trail Registry () with ID number ChiCTR2100051408.
: Patients who agree to enroll in this trial must sign a written informed consent form. The participants will have the right to withdraw their consent and quit the trial at any time for any reason, without any consequences.
: Not applicable.
: L.Y.K., Y.Q.W., Z.Y., and X.Q.W. are members of Basecare Medical Device Co., Ltd. and the company sponsored all niPGT-A in this study. The remaining authors declare that they have no additional competing interests.