Melnychuk, Mariya
Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia
Aitchison, Michael
Clarke, Caroline S.
Fulop, Naomi J.
Levermore, Claire
Maddineni, Satish B.
Moore, Caroline M.
Mughal, Muntzer M.
Perry, Catherine
Pritchard-Jones, Kathy
Ramsay, Angus I. G.
Shackley, David
Vickers, Jonathan
Morris, Stephen
Funding for this research was provided by:
Health Services and Delivery Research Programme (14/46/19)
Article History
Received: 26 January 2017
Accepted: 15 February 2018
First Online: 27 February 2018
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: This study was reviewed and approved by the Proportionate Review Sub-committee of the NRES Committee Yorkshire & the Humber - Leeds (reference number: 15/YH/0359).Study participants were provided information on the study and what their participation would entail before completing the questionnaire. Written consent was not obtained, but participants were informed that by completing the questionnaire they would be giving their consent for the information provided to be used by the research team.
: Not applicable.
: MM, CVP, CSC, NJF, AIGR, CMM, CP and SM have no competing interests. MA and MMM were pathway leads and CL was a pathway manager on the London Cancer centralisations. SBM and JV were pathway leads on the Greater Manchester Cancer centralisations. DCS is the Medical Director of Greater Manchester Cancer and was involved in the engagement and design aspects of the Manchester proposals working for Commissioners; he has no financial interests. KPJ is Chief Medical Officer of London Cancer, and provides overall clinical leadership to the London Cancer centralisation.
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