Lamminmäki, Maarit
Leivonen, Aku
Heinävaara, Sirpa
Nygård, Mari
Ursin, Giske
Campbell, Suzanne
Stefansdóttir, Hrefna
Hirvonen, Elli
Toikkanen, Salla
Vejborg, Ilse Merete Munk
Njor, Sisse Helle
Sarkeala, Tytti
Funding for this research was provided by:
Nordic Cancer Union (R250-A14915)
Article History
Received: 23 October 2022
Accepted: 30 June 2023
First Online: 14 July 2023
: All phases of this study were conducted in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations in each country. All administrative permissions to access the raw data used in the study were applied and granted in each country according to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (article 30). In Denmark, the project was listed at the record of processing activities for research projects in the Central Denmark Region (J. No: 1–16-02–210-20). In Finland, the data were used in accordance with the Act on the National Institute of Health and Welfare (668/2008) and based on authorisations (VRK VRK/3059/2018–2 and THL/1081/6.02.00/2018) granted under the Act on Secondary Use of Health and Social Data (552/2019). In Iceland, the study was approved by The National Bioethics Committee of Iceland (VSN-20–204, VSN-20–204-V1, VSN-20–204-V2, VSN-20–204-V3), and in Norway, it was approved by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics South East A (reference code 17772). The analyses were performed using country-specific anonymised data. These summary data are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare no competing interests.