Mohsenzade, Pooran
Amirhakimi, Anis
Honar, Naser
Saki, Forough
Omrani, Gholam Hossein Ranjbar
Dabbaghmanesh, Mohammadhosein
Article History
Received: 26 May 2020
Accepted: 29 December 2020
First Online: 14 January 2021
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: The local Ethics Committee and Vice-Chancellor of research at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences(SUMS) approved this study with number 95-01-01-13972. All the patients and their parents signed a written informed consent form for participation in the study and any possible publication of their data, after explaining the aim, method and goal of the study for the participants.
: All the patients signed a written informed consent form for publication of any data from their results after a session of explaining the aim, method, and goal of the study for each participant.
: Pooran Mohsenzade, Anis Amirhakimi, Naser Honar, Forough Saki, Gholamhossein Ranjbar Omrani and Mohammadhosein Dabbaghmanesh declare that they have no conflict of interest.