Flynn, Daniel
Kells, Mary
Joyce, Mary
Suarez, Catalina
Gillespie, Conall
Funding for this research was provided by:
Health Service Executive
Article History
Received: 7 July 2017
Accepted: 30 January 2018
First Online: 26 February 2018
Change Date: 7 May 2018
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: Upon publication of the original article (1) it was highlighted by the authors that there was just one error in the manuscript in the ‘Sample size’ subsection of the Methods/Design.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: All procedures were reviewed and approved by the following research ethics committees: Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the Cork University Teaching Hospitals, Galway Clinical Research Ethics Committee, HSE Mid Western Regional Hospital Research Ethics Committee, HSE North East Area Research Ethics Committee, HSE South East Area Research Ethics Committee, Linn Dara & Beechpark Ethics Committee; Naas General Hospital Ethics Committee; Saint John of God Hospitaller Ministries Research Ethics Committee and Sligo General Hospital Research Ethics Committee.All potential participants will be provided with a participant information leaflet which outlines what their participation in the research study will entail. Participants will also be given an opportunity to review and discuss their participation in the study with a member of the research team. Participants are informed that they do not have to participate in the study if they do not wish and non-consent will not affect their right to treatment in any way. Participants are assured about data confidentiality and the measures employed to ensure secure collection, transfer, storage and management of data so that they can make an informed decision about study participation. Participants will be informed that they can withdraw their consent from the study at any time without providing a reason. If an individual is willing to participate in the study, they will be asked to sign an informed consent form. The written informed consent form will be signed at the first group data collection session with a member of the research team.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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