Aliye, Kemal
Tesfaye, Elias
Soboka, Matiwos
Article History
Received: 12 January 2022
Accepted: 27 February 2023
First Online: 8 March 2023
: Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Jimma University Institute of health (IHPGMD364/2021) approved the study. All methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations.The participants were all given a written information and the nature of the study was explained to them. Those who wanted to participate were given a consent form to sign and informed that they would have the right to withdraw at any time. Written Informed consent was obtained from all parents of children participated, and the children were assented to participate. Appropriate measurement for Covid-19 were considered during the data collection period to secure data collectors and participants.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interest.