Colomar, Laura
San José Cáceres, Antonia
Álvarez-Linera, Juan
González-Peñas, Javier
Huertas Patón, Abigail
Martín de Blas, Daniel
Polo Arrondo, Ana Paloma
Solís, Andrea
Jones, Emily
Parellada, Mara
Funding for this research was provided by:
Ministerio de Universidades (FPU17/06467)
Innovative Health Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (777394)
CIBERSAM and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CB/07/09/0023)
European Research Council (ERC) under the “European Union’s Horizon 2020” research and innovation programme (883069)
Article History
Received: 2 March 2023
Accepted: 17 March 2023
First Online: 29 March 2023
: ASJC has acted as a paid consultant for F.Hoffman-La Roche and Servier, and has been actively involved in clinical trials managed by both companies. She is currently involved in clinical trials with Signant Health. MP has acted as a paid consultant for Servier, Exeltis, Fundación Alicia Koplowitz and the Institute of Health Carlos III, has received research grants from Fundación Alicia Koplowitz, Fundación Familia Alonso, Mutua Madrileña, the Institute of Health Carlos III, the European Union Structural Funds and CIBERSAM and has been actively involved in clinical trials managed by Servier, Janssen, Roche and Lundbeck. AHP has received financial compensation for giving talks from Takeda and Neuraxfarm and has been funded to attend congresses by Takeda and Rovi. The mentioned disclosures do not relate to the project here presented. LC, JAL, JGP, APPA, DMDB, AS and EJ declare that they have no competing interests.
: The present study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee for Healthcare of the University Hospital Gregorio Marañón in Madrid, Spain, under the reference number CLU-02. Written informed consent is obtained from participants’ parents or legal guardians.
: Not applicable.