Miller, Peter G.
Ferris, Jason
Coomber, Kerri
Zahnow, Renee
Carah, Nicholas
Jiang, Heng
Kypri, Kypros
Chikritzhs, Tanya
Clough, Alan
Livingston, Michael
de Andrade, Dominique
Room, Robin
Callinan, Sarah
Curtis, Ashlee
Mayshak, Richelle
Droste, Nicolas
Lloyd, Belinda
Matthews, Sharon
Taylor, Nicholas
Crane, Meredythe
Thorn, Michael
Najman, Jake
Funding for this research was provided by:
Australian Research Council (LP160100067)
Queensland Government
Foundation for Alcohol Research & Education
Australian Rechabites Foundation
Lives Lived Well
Article History
Received: 7 June 2017
Accepted: 2 October 2017
First Online: 5 October 2017
Authors’ information
: Not applicable.
: Ethics approval has been obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committees of Deakin University, The University of Queensland, and James Cook University for all project components.For applicable study components participants will provide informed consent to participate. This will in the form of verbal consent (patron interviews), implied consent (follow-up patron surveys), and written consent (key informant interviews).
: Not applicable.
: This study is funded by an ARC Linkage grant (LP160100067), the Queensland government, Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, Australian Rechabites Foundation, and Lives Lived Well.PGM receives funding from Australian Research Council and Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, grants from NSW Government, National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, Cancer Council Victoria, Queensland government and Australian Drug Foundation, travel and related costs from Australasian Drug Strategy Conference. He has acted as a paid expert witness on behalf of a licensed venue and a security firm.JF receives funding from Australian Research Council and Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, Queensland Government and Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education.KC receives funding from Australian Research Council and Queensland Government.HJ, RR, and SC receive funding from the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education.KK’s contribution to this paper was from a National Health and Medical Research Council Research Fellowship (1041867). He receives research project funding from the Australian Research Council, the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, and the Health Research Council of New Zealand.TC has received most of her research funding from national and international competitive grant agencies and the Commonwealth Government. She has never received alcoholic beverage industry funding. She has received economy travel class airfare from IOGT-NTO to attend meetings jointly convened by the Swedish Society of Medicine and the IOGT-NTO. Chikritzhs has also received travel funds from Systembolaget, the Swedish retail government-owned alcohol monopoly which operates with a public health and safety mandate.ML is funded by an NHMRC Career Development Fellowship (1123840) and receives research funding from the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, the Australian Research Council and the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation.All other authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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