Article History
Received: 7 January 2020
Accepted: 19 July 2020
First Online: 29 July 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: (name of ethics committee not applicable as explained below)Amref Health Africa was competitively selected as the Principal Recipient for Global Fund TB in Kenya for non-state actors with a mandate to implement community-based TB control activities in partnership with the National TB program, Sub-Recipients and communities living with the disease. The data utilized in this study was purely from the project reports submitted to Amref by the sub-recipients. For purposes of data on the total cases notified to the national program; Amref discussed with the national TB program the custodian of all TB patients’ data and sought approval to use data from the national database, the national database had data on the patients enrolled on treatment who were to be visited by CHVs for contact screening. For purposes of confidentiality, the data collected was an aggregate of case finding and referrals from the 33 counties generated from the Tuberculosis Information Basic Unit (TIBU) without the patient names.The authors acknowledge that ethics committee approval is mandatory for all interventional studies involving humans or animals. However, The National Code on Clinical Trials declared that ethics approval is not compulsory for retrospective studies [CitationRef removed].
: This is not applicable, the data utilized in this study was purely from the project reports submitted to Amref by the sub-recipients. For purposes of data on the total cases notified to the national program; Amref discussed with the national TB program the custodian of all TB patients’ data and sought approval to use data from the national data base. The data was an aggregate of case finding and referrals from the 33 counties generated from the Tuberculosis Information Basic Unit (TIBU) without the patient name.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests