Michelozzi, Paola
de’Donato, Francesca
Scortichini, Matteo
Pezzotti, Patrizio
Stafoggia, Massimo
De Sario, Manuela http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1117-2735
Costa, Giuseppe
Noccioli, Fiammetta
Riccardo, Flavia
Bella, Antonino
Demaria, Moreno
Rossi, Pasqualino
Brusaferro, Silvio
Rezza, Giovanni
Davoli, Marina
Funding for this research was provided by:
Ministero della Salute (CUP: J85J19000390005)
Article History
Received: 4 June 2020
Accepted: 3 August 2020
First Online: 27 August 2020
Change Date: 31 August 2020
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: Not applicable, mortality data are daily counts and did not require consent of ethics approval.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.