Helsingen, Lise M. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2055-3978
Refsum, Erle
Gjøstein, Dagrun Kyte
Løberg, Magnus
Bretthauer, Michael
Kalager, Mette
Emilsson, Louise
Article History
Received: 4 June 2020
Accepted: 27 September 2020
First Online: 23 October 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: This was an anonymous, volunteer and web-based survey, with no link between researchers and participants. The answers can in no way be linked to identifying information about the respondent. According to a ruling by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics in South-East Norway (REC), this research is outside the remit of REC and does not need an approval from REC. (). In Sweden, ethics approval is also deemed unnecessary according to national regulations (). Participants received written information about the purpose of the survey, including information about the volunteer and anonymous participation. Participants provided their consent by choosing to continue from the information page to the survey questions, and thereafter by actively submitting their final answers through the web-based form. We included adolescents from age 15 and older in the study. This research does not entail sensitive information, medical interventions or drug testing. According to Norwegian and Swedish law, children 15 years or older can consent to participation in such research without consent from their guardians/parents (Lov om medisinsk og helsefaglig forskning §17; Lov og pasient- og brukerrettigheter §4–4; ;Lag (2003:460) om etikprövning av. forskning som avser människor §18).
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.