Article History
Received: 15 January 2020
Accepted: 6 December 2020
First Online: 25 January 2021
Change Date: 9 April 2021
Change Type: Update
Change Details: In the original publication, the Funding section statement was incomplete and the statement "Open Access funding enabled and organized by Karolinska Institute" was missing. The article has been updated and the Funding section has been corrected.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: The Ethics Committee of Tampere Region issued a statement for this study confirming that no ethical review was required for the study. A master’s thesis conducted in Finland does not standardly require ethical review []. Ethical conduct was followed and discussed with the research team throughout. All participants signed an informed consent (see appendix 3 in the ) before the interview began and were notified that they could withdraw consent at any point in time. The interviews started with explaining why the research was conducted and what the interviewer’s background was. Participants emotions were taken into consideration during the interviews and they were advised to contact the interviewer or a team member if any distress should arise later to be referred to a service provider in the capital region. The recordings were only handled by the interviewer (AP) who pseudonymised interviewees and their children. Only the interviewer knows who participated in the study. The recordings and contact information were stored on a secure server during the research and deleted after the thesis project was finished.
: Every participant was notified about the possibility of publishing and signed an informed consent form.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.