Hellmann, Romain
Feral-Pierssens, Anne-Laure
Michault, Alain
Casalino, Enrique
Ricard-Hibon, Agnès
Adnet, Frederic
Brun-Ney, Dominique
Bouzid, Donia
Menu, Axelle
Wargon, Mathias
Article History
Received: 11 September 2020
Accepted: 30 August 2021
First Online: 16 September 2021
: The database used for the study has been registered with the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL). Due to its nature, and based on the French Public Health Code and national guidelines (Law n°94–548 of July 1st 1994 relating to the processing of personal data for the purpose of research in the health field), this study is excluded from other legal requirements applicable to research involving humans including the patient need for approval.
: Not applicable.
: All authors declare having no competing interests.