Čad, Eva M. http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5681-8627
Tang, Claudia S.
de Jong, Hanne B. T.
Mars, Monica
Appleton, Katherine M.
de Graaf, Kees
Funding for this research was provided by:
Top Sector Agri & Food (1.620.000)
Article History
Received: 22 November 2021
Accepted: 24 December 2022
First Online: 11 January 2023
: All study procedures are according to ethical principles of the declaration of Helsinki (2013). The study has been approved by the Medical Ethical Committee of Wageningen University (ABR no. NL72134.081.19). From June 1st 2021 onwards the study is handed over to the accredited Medical Ethical Committee CMO Regio Arnhem-Nijmegen, who will also review any changes to the protocol and possible (serious) adverse events. All participants will provide their written and oral informed consent. Permission for storage of biological samples for extra analyses when necessary, for a maximum of 15 years will be asked in the informed consent.
: Not applicable.
: EMC, CST and HBTdJ declare that they have no competing interests.MM has received research funding from Royal Cosun (sugar beet refinery) and Sensus (inulin producer), and has received expenses from ILSI Europe.KMA has received research funding from Unilever R&D Vlaardingen, NL and ILSI-North America, and the International Sweeteners Association, BE; KMA has received speaker’s expenses from the International Sweeteners Association, BE, PepsiCo and ILSI-North America.KdG is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Sensus (inulin producer); and is a member of the Global Independent Nutrition Advisory Board of the Mars company. KdG has received travel, hotel and speaker renumeration from ISA (International Sweeteners Association), and received speaker expenses (travel, hotel) from ILSI North America.This project receives financial support from the Top Sector Agri & Food. Within the Top Sector the business community, knowledge institutions and the government work together on innovations for safe and healthy food for 9 billion people in a resilient world.