Cirera, Lluís
Bañón, Rafael-María
Maeso, Sergio
Molina, Puri
Ballesta, Mónica
Chirlaque, María-Dolores
Salmerón, Diego
Funding for this research was provided by:
Public Health Authority, Regional Health Council of Murcia, Spain.
Article History
Received: 3 April 2023
Accepted: 29 December 2023
First Online: 3 February 2024
: This study used the secondary data INE collected, verified and published by INE (<i>Instituto Nacional de Estadística</i>, Spanish acronym of the National Statistical Institute of Spain), . Authorized researchers were allowed to access the micro datasets with de-identification in accordance with the European Union regulations on the Protection of Natural Persons with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data, . The data used in this study were anonymized before its use.The authors did not conduct human subjects research with the INE data for two reasons: (1) The research did not directly involve individual participants, only their aggregated and reported data; and (2) the data available were carefully checked and altered to remove identifying information while preserving its scientific utility.The authors confirmed that all methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations.The need for consent to participate or Ethical approval was deemed unnecessary according to the European Union and national regulations and was waived by the <i>Instituto Nacional de Estadística</i> (<i>INE</i>).
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare no competing interests.