Linnemørken, Lene Therese B.
Sveinsdottir, Vigdis
Knutzen, Thomas
Rødevand, Linn
Hernæs, Kjersti Helene
Reme, Silje Endresen
Funding for this research was provided by:
The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labor
Article History
Received: 1 December 2017
Accepted: 6 February 2018
First Online: 13 February 2018
Ethical approval and consent to participate
: The project was submitted to the Norwegian Regional Ethical Committee and therefrom referred to the Data Protection Officer at Oslo University Hospital, who approved the study (project number: 2015/14224). All the principles of the Helsinki declaration will be followed. After a complete description of the study’s process and purposes has been given, each participant will sign a declaration of voluntary participation. The right to withdraw from the study at any time without any explanation, and without any consequences for the further treatment at the clinic, will be emphasized.
: Not applicable.
: TK is the sole proprietor of IPS Norway, a company that provides IPS services and consulting services. The remaining authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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