Imhoff, Florian B.
Schnell, Joscha
Magaña, Alejandro
Diermeier, Theresa
Scheiderer, Bastian
Braun, Sepp
Imhoff, Andreas B.
Arciero, Robert A.
Beitzel, Knut
Funding for this research was provided by:
Article History
Received: 19 March 2018
Accepted: 18 June 2018
First Online: 11 July 2018
Authors’ information
: Florian B. Imhoff, MD; Specialist Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery; German Board Certified Currently: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Uconn Health, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030, USA.
: The study was reported to the institutional review board (IRB) of the Uconn Health, University of Connecticut, and it was documented that no IRB approval was required (de-identified specimen do not constitute human subjects research). Specimen had been obtained from MedCure (MedCure, Inc., Cumberland, RI, USA). According to the distributors information, consent was obtained from the patient before death.
: Not applicable.
: Authors IFB, SJ, MA, DT, SB declare that they have no conflict of interest and nothing to disclose.Author BS is a consultant for Arthrex.Author IAB is a consultant for Arthrosurface, Arthrex, and mediBayreuth.Author ARA received an educational and institutional grant from Arthrex and is a consultant for Biorez.Author BK is a consultant for Arthrex.No-one of the above-mentioned authors has received personal financial support related to this study.
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