Bensalma, Fatima
Hagemeister, Nicola
Cagnin, Alix
Ouakrim, Youssef
Bureau, Nathalie J.
Choinière, Manon
Mezghani, Neila
Funding for this research was provided by:
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (RDCPJ-544278-19, RDCPJ-544278-19, RDCPJ-544278-19, RDCPJ-544278-19)
Canada Research Chairs (950-231214, 950-231214, 950-231214, 950-231214)
Fonds de partenariat pour un Québec innovant et en santé (FPQIS)
Article History
Received: 20 April 2022
Accepted: 14 September 2022
First Online: 5 October 2022
: All subjects signed informed consent. The study protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Boards of the École de technologie supérieure (H20150505) and the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CE.14.339) prior to participating in the RCT. The methods and procedures followed were performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
: Not applicable.
: M.C. and NJ.B. report grants from Emovi Inc. and Sanofi, during the conduct of the study. N.H. and N.M. report grants from Emovi Inc. and Sanofi, during the conduct of the study; grants from Emovi Inc., outside the submitted work. In addition, NJ.B. reports a Clinical Scientist Salary Award (#266408) from the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé. N.H. has a patent “A System for the Analysis of 3D Kinematic of the Knee”. Etats-Unis: no. US 10/111 922, juillet 2007 / Brevet européen accordé (no. EP 00 972519.3), june 2007. licensed to Emovi Inc. Y.O. reports consulting fees from Emovi Inc. in the past 36 months. The other co-authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.