Gon, Lucas Mira https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4686-2138
de Campos, Caio César Citatini
Voris, Brunno Raphael Iamashita
Passeri, Luís Augusto
Fregonesi, Adriano
Riccetto, Cássio Luís Zanettini
Article History
Received: 15 June 2019
Accepted: 25 September 2020
First Online: 10 March 2021
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: The study was assessed by institutional board review which has approved the study with no informed consent due to its design. It is a systematic review of previous studies, thus it doesn’t report or involve animal or human data. It followed the PRISMA recomendations, and it is registered at PROSPERO (York University) with number: 42019117734. There was no individual participants. As a systematic review, data was obtained from other studies with no patient identification.
: Not applicable.
: Not applicable. The manuscript is a systematic review and therefore it does not contain individual data.
: The Authors declare that they have no competing interests. All authors agree with BMC Urology editorial policies.