Osman, Abdi D.
Howell, Jocelyn
Yeoh, Michael
Lam, Louisa
Jones, Daryl
Braitberg, George
Article History
Received: 4 March 2024
Accepted: 23 September 2024
First Online: 1 October 2024
: Ethics approval for the study was granted by the Austin Health Human Research Ethics committee (HREC/69061/Austin/2020). Patient consent was waived by the HREC for the observational component of the study as the data was de-identified. For the cross-sectional study, the participant information sheet, consent form, and survey were all administered electronically using REDCap. Participants were provided with the information sheet and asked to provide consent by selecting “yes” in response to the question, “Do you agree to participate in the survey?” Upon consent, the survey became accessible. If they selected “no,” the survey page closed, displaying a “Thank you for visiting” message.
: The ethics committee has been made aware of the intention to publish in the application for the waiver of consent and the survey participants were also made aware of the intention to publish in the participant information and consent form.
: The authors declare no competing interests.