Ratovoson, Rila http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3867-6343
Kunkel, Amber
Rakotovao, Jean Pierre
Pourette, Dolores
Mattern, Chiarella
Andriamiadana, Jocelyne
Harimanana, Aina
Piola, Patrice
Funding for this research was provided by:
United States Agency for International Development Madagascar (AID-687-G-13-00003)
Pasteur Foundation
Article History
Received: 11 July 2019
Accepted: 28 April 2020
First Online: 6 May 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Public Health of Madagascar (N°051-MSANP/CE - 05/05/2015). At the household level, the fieldworkers explained in the local language that they were conducting a survey on maternal health that would contain sensitive questions about past pregnancies, abortions, and use of family planning. Verbal consent was obtained from the head of the household (or his wife / her husband). At this point, the fieldworkers asked about whether any women in the target age range were present in the home. Any eligible women were given a more detailed explanation of the study as well as information about confidentiality, privacy and the right to refuse to participate or withdraw before conducting any interview. Interviews only occurred if the woman agreed to participate and signed an informed consent form. In rare cases, if the woman requested it, other household members were allowed to remain for the portion of the interview related to household composition and socioeconomic status, but questions about pregnancy history and use of family planning began only when the interviewer was alone with the woman.
: Not applicable.
: We declare no competing interests.