Figueiredo, Daniel
Ribeiro, InĂªs
Penedones, Ana
Mendes, Diogo
Alves, Carlos
Batel-Marques, Francisco
da Silva, Daniel Pereira
Article History
Received: 16 May 2022
Accepted: 9 February 2023
First Online: 9 March 2023
: The objective of this study was to estimate the number of diagnostics tests and costs that are avoided using Aptima HPV compared to other two methodologies within the cervical cancer screening programme in Portugal. The study followed the Portuguese Methodological Guidelines for Economic Evaluation Studies of Health Technologies. To obtain data on the procedures used to follow-up women after their first HPV test in Portugal, a literature search was performed. However, due to the absence of such information, an expert panel was reunited. This expert panel was constituted by clinicians of the medical specialties of gynaecology, anatomical pathology and public health. Although this method was not preferential, it has been successful used in the development of pharmacoeconomic studies and it is recognized by the Portuguese Methodological Guidelines for Economic Evaluation Studies of Health Technologies. No patients were included in this study. Therefore, no ethical committee approval was necessary. All experts who incorporate this panel are thus consultants and they were informed about the context and goal of the study. They were included in the panel only after their consent to participate. This consent is obtained in a written form.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.