Edelbring, Samuel
Alehagen, Siw
Mörelius, Evalotte
Johansson, AnnaKarin
Rytterström, Patrik
Funding for this research was provided by:
Linköpings Universitet (Educational development programme)
Article History
Received: 23 January 2020
Accepted: 24 March 2020
First Online: 31 March 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: Ethical aspects of the study were discussed in the research group. In addition, the project plan was reviewed (and granted funding) in the University’s educational development unit. No detrimental physical or psychological was involved, neither was personal data collected. Thereby, a formal ethical review was not required by national guidelines [CitationRef removed].Students received written information in connection to data collection that participation was voluntary, anonymous, analysed on group level, and not connected to the course performance. The written information was attached to each questionnaire, stating that “if you consent to participate in the study, please answer the questionnaire and put it in the attached envelope”.The questionnaires were sealed when collected, sent to and read only by a researcher (SE) not involved in the courses.
: Not applicable.
: The first author is a member of the editorial board (associate editor) of this journal. The authors have no other competing interests to declare.