Hayat, Ali Asghar
Keshavarzi, Mohmmad Hasan
Zare, Soolmaz
Bazrafcan, Leila
Rezaee, Rita
Faghihi, Seyed Aliakbar
Amini, Mitra
Kojuri, Javad
Article History
Received: 28 September 2020
Accepted: 21 April 2021
First Online: 29 April 2021
: Permission to carry out the present study was obtained from the Ethics Committee of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (IR.Sums.REC.2020.377). When participants were provided with information about the objectives of the research and asked to give their permission to make audio recordings of the interviews, they were assured that the information gathered would remain confidential. Written informed consent was obtained from all the participants, and they were informed that they could leave the study whenever they wished. Also all methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations.
: Not applicable.
: Author Mitra Amini is a member of the editorial board for BMC Medical Education. But, she has no conflict of interest to declare. The authors (AAH, JK, MHK, MA SZ, LB, SAF and RR) declare that they have no competing interests.