Alidina, Shehnaz
Sydlowski, Meaghan M.
Ahearn, Olivia
Andualem, Bizuayehu G.
Barash, David
Bari, Sehrish
Barringer, Erin
Bekele, Abebe
Beyene, Andualem D.
Burssa, Daniel G.
Derbew, Miliard
Drown, Laura
Gulilat, Dereje
Gultie, Teruwork K.
Hayirli, Tuna C.
Meara, John G.
Staffa, Steven J.
Workineh, Samson E.
Zanial, Noor
Zeleke, Zebenay B.
Mengistu, Abraham E.
Ashengo, Tigistu A.
Funding for this research was provided by:
GE Foundation (28045607)
Article History
Received: 19 December 2021
Accepted: 12 August 2022
First Online: 31 August 2022
: We received ethical approval from the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (Ref. 098/2018). The Institutional Review Board at Harvard Medical School deemed this study “exempt”. As our research posed minimal risk to study participants, a verbal consent process was approved by both IRBs. Before each interview, the participant(s) were provided with information about the study in English or Tigrinya. Consent was obtained in a private room after the potential subject demonstrated an understanding of the study purpose and indicated interest in participating. Consent was verbally given by each participant enrolled which then appears in the interviewee’s transcript. The opening explanation to the survey explained consent and noted that completion of the survey implied consent.
: No individual person’s data is presented in this article.
: The Program in Global Surgery and Social Change, Jhpiego, and Dalberg Advisors receive funding from the GE Foundation for the Safe Surgery 2020 project. Shehnaz Alidina, Olivia Ahearn, Tigistu Adamu Ashengo, Erin Barringer, Sehrish Bari, Abebe Beleke, Andualem Beyene, Laura Drown, Teruwork Gultie, Tuna Hayirli, Abraham Endeshaw Mengistu, Meaghan Sydlowski, Samson Essaye Workineh, Noor Zanial, and Zebanay Bitew Zeleke had financial support from GE Foundation for the submitted work. Dereje Gulilat and Andualem Beyene were part of the Surgical Society of Ethiopia which received funding from the GE Foundation for the mentorship intervention. David Barash is employed by GE Foundation, which funded this work. Bizuayehu Gashaw Andualem, Daniel Gebre Michael Burssa, Millard Deribew, Steven J. Staffa, and John G. Meara have nothing to declare. The authors have had no financial relationships with any organizations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous three years and no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.