KirungaTashobya, Christine
Ssengooba, Freddie
Nabyonga-Orem, Juliet
Bataringaya, Juliet
Macq, Jean
Marchal, Bruno
Musila, Timothy
Criel, Bart
Funding for this research was provided by:
Belgian Technical Cooperation (UN 12009/01)
Article History
Received: 23 February 2016
Accepted: 16 April 2018
First Online: 10 May 2018
Author’s information
: CKT qualifications include: MB Ch B; MA Demography; MSc Health Policy Planning and Financing; Ph D. She is employed by Makerere School of Public Health, Uganda, as a post-doctoral fellow. She has worked in the areas of health policy formulation, health financing, health sysytem performance assessment and district support supervision.FS qualifications include: MB Ch B; MPH; Ph D. He is an Associate Professor at Makerere School of Public Health, Uganda and has carried out extensive research and publication in the areas of health policy, health financing and human resources for health.JNO qualifications include: M B Ch B; Msc Health Economics; Ph D; She works for the WHO Inter-Country Support Team for Eastern and Southern Africa in the Health Systems and Services Cluster. Her areas of interest include understanding what influences uptake of research findings into policy, health financing and performance assessment.JB qualifications include: MB Ch B, Msc Health Policy Planning and Financing; M Sc Epidemiology. She is employed by the World Health Organisation in the Rwanda Country Office in the Health Systems and Services Cluster. Her areas of interest are public private partneship for health and health systems performance assesment.BM qualifications include: MD, MPH, Ph D. He is a Professor at Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp. His areas of interest are theory driven evaluation, local health sysytems organisation and performance management.JM qualifications include: MD, MPH, Ph D. He is a Professor at Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. His areas of interest are health financing, and the intersection of health sysytems and disease control programmes.BC qualifications include: MD, MPH, Ph D. he is a Professor at Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp. His areas of interest are commnuity health fiancing, local health sysytems organisation and patient-centred care.TM qualifications include: MB CH B and MSc Health Policy Planning and Financing. He is employed by the MoH Uganda in the Health Planning Department. His areas of interest are public private partnership for health and health financing.
: Ethical approval for this research was provided by the Institutional Review Board of the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium (Ref. 12 25 5828), and the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (SS 2951). All respondents provided written informed consent. Anonymity was maintained, with quotes only identified by respondents’ organization type and responsibility of the KIs. Information was also accessed from Uganda Ministry of Health documents. Permission to publish findings based on these materials was provided by the management of the Ministry of Health which is a condition for approval by the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology.
: Some of the authors work (or worked) with the Ministry of Health (CKT, TM) or the World Health Organisation Uganda Country Office (JNO, JB) and Makerere School of Public Health (FS) which work closely with the Ministry of Health, and have been closely associated with the development, adjustment and/or implementation of the Uganda District League Table. We acknowledge this as a potential cause of conflict of interest for this study. One of the authors (BC) has served as an Associate Editor for BMC Health Services Research.
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