Article History
Received: 3 January 2020
Accepted: 17 August 2020
First Online: 24 August 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: Ethics approval and consent to participate were not required for this evaluation as it was deemed quality improvement. However, all participants were made aware, prior to enrollment in the training program, that participation in the program and/or assessment was voluntary. To inform participants of their voluntary participation and the intent of the assessment, the following language was provided on the first page of the survey:This survey is designed to explore your knowledge, feelings, and actions when you interact with others in the context of health care and health service environments. Your answers are strictly confidential. The information you provide will be compiled for overall group cultural competence and educational needs, and used to design cultural competency training programs to meet specific needs. Neither your identity nor your individual answers will be shared with anyone.Questions on this survey are intended to gather information about how you personally think, feel, and act. Some questions may not fit your situation exactly, depending on the type of work you do at this time. Please try to answer every question. If you are unsure or have no opinion on the item, use the ‘No Opinion’ or ‘Not Sure’ options. There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers.Completing this survey is completely voluntary. It will take about 10 min of your time. While you may choose not to participate, your participation in the completion of this survey is encourage and appreciated. You may stop at any time. Your completion of this survey indicates your informed consent to participate in this evaluation.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare they have no competing interests.