Ansbro, Éimhín
Homan, Tobias
Qasem, Jamil
Bil, Karla
Rasoul Tarawneh, Mohammed
Roberts, Bayard
Perel, Pablo
Jobanputra, Kiran
Funding for this research was provided by:
Medecins Sans Frontieres UK (n/a)
Article History
Received: 31 January 2020
Accepted: 30 March 2021
First Online: 26 April 2021
: The Médecins sans Frontières Ethics Review Board, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Ethical Review Committee [Reference 12239] and the Jordanian Ministry of Health granted ethical approval for conduct of this study.Informed written consent to participate in the study and for publication was obtained from participants in the qualitative and medicine adherence components of the study. Consent was not sought from patients for use of their de-identified, routinely collected clinical data for the cohort analysis or clinical audit study components.
: Not applicable
: Several of the authors (EA, TH, JQ, KB, KJ) are currently or were previously employed by Médecins sans Frontières and were involved in programme design, study design, data collection, data interpretation and drafting of the manuscript. The authors declare they have no other competing interests.