Karver, Tahilin Sanchez
Barrington, Clare
Donastorg, Yeycy
Perez, Martha
Gomez, Hoisex
Page, Kathleen R.
Celentano, David
Smith, Katherine Clegg
Kerrigan, Deanna
Article History
Received: 6 April 2021
Accepted: 15 December 2021
First Online: 11 January 2022
: This study received human subjects research approvals from the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) of the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health (Baltimore, MD), and from <i>Instituto Dermatológico Dominicano y Cirugía de Piel Dr. Huberto Bogaert Díaz</i> (IDCP) and the <i>Consejo Nacional de Bioética en Salud</i> (CONABIOS) (Santo Domingo, DR). Participants provided oral consent rather than written consent to protect confidentiality of a highly stigmatized population group. The verbal consent method was specifically reviewed and approved by all IRBs to protect the confidentiality of study participants. In addition, all study procedures were performed in accordance to the ethical standards of the committees that approved the research. All participants in the study received 400 Dominican pesos (approximately $7 USD) compensation for their time per study visit.
: Not applicable.
: There are no financial interests nor any conflict of interests to declare related to the current study.