Groß, Sophie E.
Schellartz, Isabell
Zielasek, Jürgen
Schlomann, Lara
Klee, Inna
Ritschel, Careen
Engemann, Sandra
Steffens, Barbara
Jänner, Michaela
Funken, Oliver
Juckel, Georg
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, Euphrosyne
Funding for this research was provided by:
The study is publicly funded by the German Innovation Committee (Innovationsausschuss) of the Federal Joint Committee (01VSF19052, 01VSF19052, 01VSF19052, 01VSF19052, 01VSF19052, 01VSF19052, 01VSF19052, 01VSF19052, 01VSF19052, 01VSF19052, 01VSF19052, 01VSF19052)
Article History
Received: 25 March 2023
Accepted: 9 May 2023
First Online: 7 June 2023
: The study received ethical approval by the ethics committee of the North Rhine Medical Association (no. 2020343). The data collection and analysis follow the Declaration of Helsinki. The data protection requirements have also been agreed with the Rhineland State Council (LVR) data protection officer. The provisions of the Federal and State Data Protection Act, the rules of good scientific practice, and the Good Practice Guide for Secondary Data Analysis (GPS) are observed [CitationRef removed]. No personal data are published, and data protection is considered in accordance with the current legal situation. In the course of the qualitative data collection (II and III) the participants gave their written consent to take part in the study. Participants are assured in writing that they will not have any disadvantage through either participation or through a refusal to participate. The analysis of the data is pseudonymised. Furthermore, participants will be informed that they can withdraw their consent to participate in the study at any time without giving a reason. The potential burden of participating in guideline-based interviews and focus groups is considered to be low. The written surveys (IV and V) and the evaluation of the secondary data (WP I) were carried out anonymously. The potential burden of completing the questionnaire (WP IV and V) is estimated to be low. No secondary data of the insured persons of TK-NRW are linked with the data from the primary data collection.
: Not applicable.
: Jürgen Zielasek is a member of the German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN). Jürgen Zielasek is a member of the scientific committee of the annual congress of the DGPPN, waiver of the participation fee and support of travel expenses. Jürgen Zielasek received author’s fee Elsevier Verlag (textbook on schizophrenia). Jürgen Zielasek has shareholdings in biopharmaceutical companies unrelated to the topic of the contribution. All other authors have no competing interest to declare.