Challenger, Joseph D.
Foo, Cher Y.
Wu, Yue
Yan, Ada W. C.
Marjaneh, Mahdi Moradi
Liew, Felicity
Thwaites, Ryan S.
Okell, Lucy C.
Cunnington, Aubrey J.
Funding for this research was provided by:
ukri (MR/V027409/1)
imperial college london (Covid-19 Respond Fund)
Article History
Received: 18 July 2021
Accepted: 15 December 2021
First Online: 13 January 2022
: This study conducted secondary analysis of data from published studies. All studies included were either (i) approved by an institutional ethics review committee and obtained informed consent from all participants or (ii) were exempted from this requirement because they involved identification, control, or prevention of disease in response to an immediate public health threat, and had been determined not to be public health research. Further ethical approval was not required for the present study which used only anonymised non-identifiable information from these studies.
: LCO declares grant funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.