Cáceres, Alejandro http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8551-6695
Carreras-Gallo, Natàlia
Andrusaityte, Sandra
Bustamante, Mariona
Carracedo, Ángel
Chatzi, Leda
Dwaraka, Varun B.
Grazuleviciene, Regina
Gutzkow, Kristine Bjerve
Lepeule, Johanna
Maitre, Léa
Mendez, Tavis L.
Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark
Slama, Remy
Smith, Ryan
Stratakis, Nikos
Thomsen, Cathrine
Urquiza, Jose
Went, Hannah
Wright, John
Yang, Tiffany
Casas, Maribel
Vrijheid, Martine
González, Juan R.
Article History
Received: 2 November 2022
Accepted: 6 March 2023
First Online: 12 April 2023
: Local ethical committees approved the studies that were conducted according to the guidelines laid down in the Declaration of Helsinki. The ethical committees for each cohort were the following: BIB: Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, EDEN: Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé, INMA: Comité Ético de Inverticación Clínica Parc de Salut MAR, KANC: LIETUVOS BIOETIKOS KOMITETAS, MoBa: Regional komité for medisinsk og helsefaglig forskningsetikk, Rhea: Ethical committee of the general university hospital of Heraklion, Crete. Informed consent was obtained from a parent and/or legal guardian of all participants in the study.
: Not applicable.
: VBD, RS, HW, and TLM are employees of TruDiagnostic. JRG has received funding from TruDiagnostic as a scientific advisor. The other authors have nothing to declare.