Müller, Annelieke R.
Luijten, Michiel A. J.
Haverman, Lotte
de Ranitz-Greven, Wendela L.
Janssens, Peter
Rietman, André B.
ten Hoopen, Leontine W.
de Graaff, Laura C. G.
de Wit, Marie-Claire
Jansen, Anna C.
Gipson, Tanjala
Capal, Jamie K.
de Vries, Petrus J.
van Eeghen, Agnies M.
Funding for this research was provided by:
Stichting TSC Fonds
Article History
Received: 17 May 2023
Accepted: 27 July 2023
First Online: 8 August 2023
Change Date: 23 October 2023
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: A Correction to this paper has been published:
Change Details: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12916-023-03092-2
: Medical ethical permission for this study was provided at all participating organizations, with the initiating center the Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam in the Netherlands (MEC-2018–1507). Consent forms to participate were provided, and competency to fill in the questionnaire was assessed by the involved healthcare professional. In case the individual was not mentally competent to decide on participation, the legal representative decided on behalf of that person.
: Not applicable.
: AvE is part of the scientific advisory board, funded by Jazz Pharmaceuticals, and is an investigator in studies of Jazz Pharmaceuticals. PJdV, MdW, and AJ have provided consultancy to Jazz Pharmaceuticals. LtH works at a department with license for distributing the CBCL in Dutch language areas. The other authors declare that they have no competing interests.