Vega, Celina Guadalupe
Bok, Marina
Ebinger, Maren
Rocha, Lucía Alejandra
Rivolta, Alejandra Antonella
González Thomas, Valeria
Muntadas, Pilar
D’Aloia, Ricardo
Pinto, Verónica
Parreño, Viviana
Wigdorovitz, Andrés
Funding for this research was provided by:
Bioinnovo S.A. (2016)
Vetanco S.A. (CVT N°20794)
Article History
Received: 25 July 2019
Accepted: 13 July 2020
First Online: 29 July 2020
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: Animal protocols were conducted based on the regulations of the Institutional Committee for Experimental Animals Welfare and Management (CICUAE), from INTA (protocol number 24/2010 calves and 20/2011 for chickens). All calves were subject to veterinary assistance following regular management protocols from the dairy farm “<i>El Mangrullo</i>”. Written informed consent to use the animals in the study from the owner of the animals was obtained and animals remained in the dairy farm after the end of the experiment.
: The authors declare a financial competing interest as Bioinnovo S.A. manufactures the product investigated in this study.